July 7, 2024

Electrical rewiring – few important aspects you cannot overlook

5 min read

The present days are the age of technology and in this age and time we are surrounded by countless number of electronic gadgets and devices. The range of electronic products in our usual daily life ranges from smart thermostats to high end entertainment system. Each of these gadgets and devices along with plenty more that do not come under the category of electronic relies on the electrical wiring of your home to run smoothly. In other words electrical wiring in your home or workplace is most crucial for you to lead a smooth, easy and seamless life with help of the never-ending number of various gadgets and devices. Have you ever considered what may happen when that electrical wiring becomes faulty or outdated in course of time? 

How much does it cost for electrical rewiring of a house? This is the question that keeps a large number of homeowners and landlords across the UK wondering. Typical symptoms that your home (or office) needs a rewiring are repeated tripping of circuit breakers and constant flickering of lights. It is important to note that a significant number of residential fires in the UK results from issues like constantly flickering lights and repeated tripping of circuit breakers. Making sure that the electrical wiring in your home or office is at par is one thing that requires utmost priority assigned to it. But if you think this is only meant to ensure your convenience then you have got it all wrong! This is a matter of safety imperative for you, your family and staffs. 

Rewiring a house – what is the necessity 

Have you ever walked into a curio shop that sells antique items? If you have been there then you must have been marvelled by its old-world charm. Now shift your focus on your house for a moment, it is also an antique piece and charming too. But with an outdated electrical system it is more like a ticking time bomb. Older homes – in other words properties that were built before the 1970s – usually have wiring that is not at par with the modern safety standards. Torched or burnt (and usually discoloured) electrical outlets, continuously flickering lights and frequent tripping of circuit breakers are few tell tale signs that a building requires a wiring makeover urgently. More than anything else a wiring makeover in these conditions can save you and your near and dear ones from electrical shocks and fires. 

Electrical rewiring cost – the determining factors

  • The age and the size of a building – the larger a property is the more is the cost of rewiring. On the other hand older homes usually have complex layouts which make rewiring projects more challenging as well as costlier explains an electrician in London who charges reasonable cost to rewire a house
  • Scope or depth of a rewiring project – a complete overhaul of electrical wiring is obviously costlier than partially rewiring a property. Partial rewiring means replacing the existing wiring only at a few electrical outlets.
  • Level of ease and accessibility in a property – if the areas inside a building are difficult to access then that increases the cost of rewiring.
  • Additional work adds up to the actual price – while rewiring your home you may discover that your electrical panels need upgrading urgently or there could be the need of installing new electrical outlets. These days many people also feel the urge to install smart home systems. All these factors and more just add up to the overall cost of the project.
  • Location is also taken into account – in addition to all the facts and factors mentioned above the overall cost of rewiring a property also varies depending on the existing regulations and labour rates in your locality.

Now we come back to the same old question!

How much does it cost to rewire a house or building?

When electrician rewiring cost is concerned it is important to remember that there is no “on size fits all” type of solution here. A number of factors are relevant in this context and those factors determine the actual price that one pays for the service. 

Older homes are usually difficult to access because of their unusual layouts. Rewiring a sprawling home is obviously more laborious than rewiring a standard sized house. Thus, the age and the size of a building matters when electricians compute the cost of rewiring it. If you plan to go for a total overhaul then that is also going to be a costly task to take up. Alternatively you can replace the existing wiring only at few selected outlets of your property at a time to make the project go easy on your pocket. Additional works like installation of fresh electrical outlets, switches and fixtures or upgrading electrical panels or the consumer unit are also likely to inflate the price of your rewiring project. Lastly if your wiring proves challenging to get access to for electricians then that too will add up to the overall project cost.

About the process and duration

Electrical rewiring of even a tiny house is never something that you can complete over the weekend with DIY approach. Rather according to expert professionals with years of experience in house rewire in London electrical rewiring at any extent is a systematic process that starts with thorough inspection of an existing electrical system to determine the extent of work required. 

Once the inspection ends it is time to replace the old and existing wires; then the new ones are installed. Gradually fresh outlets, switches and fixtures are installed as per the requirements in a project and those are tested rigorously at the same time. 

How long does a rewiring project continue? The time required to complete rewiring project varies from property to property depending on the factors mentioned above. But on an average rewiring a standard sized house may easily last for a week to more.  

Rewiring projects and modern electrical needs 

In this ongoing digital age there is a steadily increasing demand for advanced wiring systems in both residential and commercial facilities. In addition to that there is also the need for higher consumption of power across almost every household as well as commercial and industrial premises. Renewable energy is also making heavy inroads into both residential and commercial sectors. In addition to all these factors there is the factor of future proofing to take into account. Considering all these facts and factors it is important to get the electrical rewiring done in your home or workplace only by trained and reliable pairs of hands. Electric Works London is one of the best destinations in London to hire experienced tradesmen for rewiring your properties.

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